Saturday, 22 July 2006
Inaugural Meeting
NAME - The name of the Society shall be THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN AND NORTHERN TERRITORY FREEMASONS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, hereinafter called the Society.
OBJECTS - The objects of the Society shall be:
- To assist the Grand Lodge of South Australia and Northern Territory in fulfilling its responsibilities to preserve archival and historic records;
- To promote the collection, preservation and exhibition of historical
documents and records; - To preserve and store adequately the artefacts and documents which
are not required by the Grand Lodge of South Australia and Northern Territory to be lodged at the State Library of South Australia; - To arouse interest in and to promote the study and discussion of the
history of Freemasonry in South Australia and the Northern Territory; - To publish historical articles, lectures, and other such material conducive to preserving the historical record of the Grand Lodge of SA & NT;
- To promote the interchange of historical information by lectures, forums, workshops, readings and discussion;
- To co-operate with other societies interested in South Australian
history; - To do all such things as are conducive and incidental to the attainment of all or any of the above objects.
1. Formal Title - South Australian and Northern Territory Freemasons Historical Society.
2. General Meetings - To be held monthly, unless otherwise determined.
3. Time of Meeting - At a date and time to be advised, with consideration to be given to a set day in the month and at a set time.
4. Types of Meeting – There shall be three types of meetings:
- Annual General Meeting
- General Meeting
- Special Meeting (as required)
5. Purpose The purpose of the Society shall be to preserve, promote, encourage, stimulate, facilitate, record and conduct research into the history of Freemasonry in South Australia and the Northern Territory.
6. Membership
- Ordinary a member of a GLSA&NT Craft Lodge
- Corresponding a member of a Craft Lodge recognised by GLSA&NT
- Honorary a person nominated as such by the Executive
- Associate non voting members who are not Freemasons but have an interest in the Objects of the Society
- Patron Grand Master
7. Executive Committee – there shall be an Executive Committee which shall be elected by members at the Annual General Meeting.
The following are to comprise the Executive Committee:
- Chairman
- Deputy Chairman
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Librarian/Archivist
- Museum Curator
- Two Corresponding Members
- Four General Members
A member of the Executive Committee should be a financial member of a constituent Lodge within the jurisdiction of the GLSA&NT.
The Executive Committee is to have the power to co-opt members to serve on the Executive as required.