Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Resources for researchers into Masonic history

The following resources may be useful for those researching Masonic history of South Australia.


"The Wakefield Companion to South Australian History", Prest W, Round K and Fort CS (ed) (2001): Kent Town SA.

"History of the first fifty years of the South Australian Lodge of Friendship from 1834 to 1884", Sansom P (1886): Adelaide

"A History of First Fifty Years of Freemasonry in South Australia 1834-1884", Glover CRJ (1915): Adelaide

"A History of Craft Masonry in South Australia 1884 - 1934", Mander-Jones E and Hilbig PB (eds) (1976): Adelaide

"A History of Craft Masonry in South Australia 1934 - 1984" , Boundy R and Ninnes AR (eds) (1983): Adelaide

"The Masonic Grand Masters of Australia", Henderson K (1988): Melbourne

"One Hundred and Twenty-five Years of Irish Freemasonry in South Australia", Cam AM (1982): Adelaide

"Pocket history of Freemasonry", Pick FL and Knight GN (1991: 8th ed. rev. by Smyth F): Londo n

"The History of English Freemasonry", Hamill J (1994).

"Masonic Centres of the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia", Budgen, Wayne (2008): St Lucia South, Qld

"South Australian Year Book : No.32: 1999", Crettenden I (1999): Australian Bureau of Statistics.


J.R. Robertson Masonic Memorial Library
Freemasons' Hall
254 North Terrace, Adelaide SA

Adelaide Masonic Museum
Freemasons' Hall
254 North Terrace, Adelaide SA