Sunday, 17 August 2014

Freemasonry in Port Wakefield, 1877

The following report about the opening of a new Masonic lodge in Port Wakefield appeared in the "South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail", 1 December 1877.

This was Lodge St Vincent No.621 Scottish Constitution, from 1884 St Vincent Lodge No.20 under the Grand Lodge of South Australia.   The Lodge closed some time after 1984.

"Friday, November 23, will long be remembered as a red letter day in the annals of Port Wakefield, being the occasion of the opening of a new Lodge for Masonic purposes under the Scotch Constitution. A special steamer — the Ceres— chartered by Mr. H.C.E. Muecke, conveying a large party, left the wharf at Port Adelaide about 12.30 p.m., and arrived at its destination about 6 o'clock after a most delightful trip. Offing to its being nearly low tide the party were landed in three boats from the anchorage, about three miles from the landing place, and were met by Messrs. Styles, Muecke, McMillan, John Rees, Smith, and others, whose hospitality was thoroughly enjoyed during the interval between the arrival and the ceremony of opening the Lodge. Large parties also arrived from Moonta, Kadina, Auburn, and the neighborhood of Port Wakefield to assist in the interesting proceedings which took place at the Foresters Hall, where about 70 brethren assembled in full regalia, and the coup d'oeil was very imposing. 

The ceremony was performed by the R.W.G.M. (Brother C.H.T. Connor), and his Deputy, Brother Muecke, in a most impressive manner, assisted by the Grand Chaplain of the Order, Brother the Rev. Canon Farr, who delivered a very eloquent address on Freemasonry. The beauty of the ceremony was greatly enhanced by the introduction of music ; and the singing of the anthem, "When Earth's Foundations first were laid," was really admirable, led by Brother Dr. John Rees, who presided at the harmonium. 

The Lodge having been opened and named "The St. Vincent," the D.D.G.M. Brother Muecke proceeded to instal the officers of the new Lodge and to invest them with the distinguishing badges of their offices, as follows :— Brother Muecke, of Port Wakefield, W.M.; Brother McMillan, S.W. ; Brother Leighton, J.W. ; Brother Styles, Treasurer ; and Brother John Rees, Secretary. The ceremony concluded with three initiations, and an adjournment was then made to the Rising Sun Hotel, where the Committee of Reception had provided a sumptuous banquet, which gave great satisfaction, and reflected credit on Host Dixon. After justice had been done to the repast toasts were honored, and some excellent speeches were delivered, particularly one by Brother Rowland Rees, M.P,, who responded to the toast of "The Visitors."

Rising Sun Hotel, Port Wakefield

The Port Adelaide party left Port Wakefield about 3.30 a.m., and on account of the lowness of the tide were conveyed to the steamer in small boats. The sudden veering of the wind had caused a rather heavy sea, and one of the boats, owing thereto and to overloading, was in some danger, and made a great deal of water, but very fortunately the steamer headed towards her, and all being taken safely on board, a start was made for Port Adelaide at 4 o'clock. The party arrived there in time to catch the 11 train for the city ; not, however, in many instances without the saddest experiences of mal de mer."

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The foundation Master of the new Lodge was Bro. E.V.O. Muecke, brother of Bro. H.C.E. Muecke, D.D.G.M..  Eugen Victor Ottomar Muecke, a bank manager, died on 20 Feb. 1882 (aged 38 years) at the National Bank, Gawler  -

Poetic tribute to E.V.O. Muecke  -
by "Dick Jervois" (Charles Stocker Morris)

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Port Wakefield -

steamship Ceres

Rising Sun Hotel, Port Wakefield:

former Masonic Hall, Port Wakefield -

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