Friday 4 May 2007

Freemasons & pubs - Sun May 27

Members and friends are invited to assemble on Sunday 27 May at 12 noon at the Queen's Head Hotel, 117 Kermode Street, North Adelaide. Erected 1838, this hotel is perhaps the oldest in SA using part of the original building. In its early years the Queen's Head had connections with Freemasonry.

There will be a presentation about Freemasons and pubs in the City of Adelaide.

Afterwards consider a meal at the bar or in the dining room, and perhaps take a short walk to Palmer Place and Brougham Place to see Belmont House, originally built for Masonic purposes, opened in 1858 and sold in 1863.

Links: Queen's Head menu etc

The Grand Library

On Monday 30 April members visited the J.R. Robertson Masonic Memorial Library in the Adelaide Masonic Centre for a talk by George Woolmer, OAM, Grand Librarian. The talk covered the history of the Grand Library and its activities. Afterwards we were able to view some of the treasures of the Library collection.